Happy ‘Murph’Day, Buddy!

Today, February 4th is an important day. For it was 1 year ago today that our own Murphy was issued into this world.

Hey, give us a break. We don’t have kids yet, this is what we spend our time on.

Early on, it was touch and go. He wouldn’t sleep at night, consequently, we didn’t sleep at night. Slowly but surely, he got things figured out. So did we. He’s gone all the way from looking like a gerbil to being 57 lbs of goofball. All things being equal, he’s a pretty good boy.

In honor of this momentous day, let’s look back at where we’ve been with this set of photos.

Just 3 Weeks Old
3 Weeks Old

2 Months Old
2 Months Old

6 Months Old
6 Months Old

9 Months Old – Obedience Graduation
Graduation Day

10 Months Old – Christmas
Christmas Time

And a few pictures taken from his birthday today…
With the New Toy

Happy Birthday Boy

Birthday Boy

If you just can’t get enough Murphy (lord knows we can’t) you can see a couple other sets of him in the following places:

Happy Birthday Murph!

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