Rachel & Gabe’s Wedding

A few weeks ago the whole Winkle clan, myself included, treked back to Pittsburgh for a big family wedding. Jess’s cousin Rachel was getting married. Of course, we had a blast.

I took a few pictures during the wedding itself, a couple more of the reception and a bunch when the wedding party all hit the Hofbrauhaus for the after-party. These are a few of my favorite pictures. You can view the entire set here as well. There are a bunch more photos there that I haven’t posted here. Go view them. They’re good.

A note about these photos. I didn’t take my big SLR camera since I didn’t want to have to lug it around (and be responsible for it while drinking), so these were all shot on my little Canon point and shoot. During the actual ceremony, we were too far away from the aisle for my flash to work and the church was pretty dim. So, I chose to switch to ‘sepia’ mode for the evening. I liked the way it looked, so I just kept it there. Some of these photos are ‘happy accidents’ where because of the dimness, lack of flash, and longer shutter times, they got blurry but I like to think that was my desire all along.

Plus, there were plenty of other people there taking regular old snapshots… I wanted mine to stand out a bit. As always, click on each image to go to Flickr to view the image larger if you so desire.

Without further ado…

I like this one a lot… wish the faces were a bit more in focus, but still, it’s very impressionist.  Their first walk as husband and wife.
Down the Aisle


Bride and Groom

This is another one where the ‘blur’ really worked out in my favor. Their first dance. Love this shot.

The Hofbrauhaus photos really turned out good with the flash and the sepia. Definitely give an ‘old school’ feel. I love catching candids at parties. Try to capture how the night really went down. I think I did that in these.
Party at Hofbrauhaus

Party at Hofbrauhaus

Party at Hofbrauhaus

Party at Hofbrauhaus

Party at Hofbrauhaus

Party at Hofbrauhaus

Party at Hofbrauhaus

Party at Hofbrauhaus

Really dig this one too. Gabe in rare form… Liter of beer, cigar, and his new bride all tearing up the dance floor!
Party at Hofbrauhaus