Raiders Fire Kiffin

Normally I don’t do “Breaking News” sorts of things but I just wanted to point this out.

The Oakland Raiders… well, technically the corpse of Al Davis has fired their head coach of a year and a half.  Why is this news?  Well, because of who the scuttlebutt is over who will replace him.  The rumor mill has thrown out a few names, and one of them stands out.

None other than U of I’s own Tom Cable!

Yes, the head coach that single-handedly started the Vandals slide into obscurity is now poised to take over the Raiders.  Somehow I just know he will be hired. You watch.

For the record, Mr. Cable went 11-35 in 4 years (2000-2003)as the head man.  He took over for the moderately successful Chris Tormey who left for Nevada (fresh off the bowl victory and the last time they beat Boise State).  Idaho has since gone spiraling down the drain with 11 wins since.  A drain that good old Tom “Dumpster Fire” Cable laid the groundwork for.

Do it Raiders.  He’d be perfect for you.

Allergies Suck

They really really do.

I have had nothing but a stuffed up, runny, itchy nose with the frequent sneezing.  Lemme tell you, I’m a real treat to be around.  Hopped up on allergy meds all day that don’t seem to do all that much.  Can’t sleep worth a damn at night.    Lather, rinse, repeat.

Weed pollen count in our area via The Weather Channel.

I think the only answer at this point is to seal my sinuses with rubber cement.  I’m about another day or two away from actually trying this.

Tale of Two Weekends

This past sporting weekend was a bit like two sides of the same coin.

My Saturday was excellent.  First, you all know about the big Boise State upset of Oregon.  That was by far the best thing.  Speaking of which, I have finally gotten a bunch of photos from that weekend posted to flickr. But also, in my college football pick’em league, I ended up picking 14 of 18 correct against the spread.  That is unreal.  If I had been in Vegas, I would have been PAID.  I mean, no one goes 14 of 18.  What a great day!

Of course, then Sunday rolls around.

First, I thought I had picked Buffalo in my suicide league. (Suicide leagues are where you pick one team a week to win, the only rule is you can’t pick the same team twice).  Well, Buffalo just barely beats Oaklakd… until I realized that I changed my pick at the last second to New England who got blown out by Miami, of all teams.  Dammit.  I’m a moron.

Then, my two fantasy football teams both got creamed.  My league at work, I had exactly 0 points from my QB and RB.  Needless to say, it is tough to win when that happens. Not to mention my injuries this season.  Yes, I did have Tom Brady… yikes.

Oh well.

As an aside to fantasy football… last year I wrote a post about a particular bad ass kicking I took.  The title of this post was “Fantasy Ass Kicking” and was about how I got blown out of the playoffs.  Well, the funny thing is I check my tracking stats regularly and I often see hits to that post from web searches for simply “fantasy ass”, usually from overseas.  It always cracks me up to think that some horny guy from Greece or Brazil thought they were getting something completely different.  I love the web.

In other Boise State thoughts, I had this realization today.  A buddy at work was trying to discuss scenarios in which BSU could get into the BCS this year, and it dawned on me, I’m still living off the Fiesta Bowl.  I spent that entire 2006 season worrying about if it could happen, stressing about every game and what it might do to our chances.  This time around, I’m just a lot more laid back about it.  If it happens, terrific!  If it doesn’t, I’m not going to lose sleep over it.  I think I am in a 5 year grace period following what happened that night in the desert.

Or maybe it’s just old age.

To Oregon – Aftermath

Wow… what a weekend. (Pictures will be coming soon.) I’m not sure it has even fully sunk in yet exactly what happened. Boy, we looked good in that game. I never expected us to play as physically or as well as we did.

The defense played really well against that run game with two very solid backs and a good offensive line. I was impressed with how well they pursued the backs and had some solid tackling. Sure, Oregon had a lot of rushing yards, but with their players that had to be expected. But, we tightened up when we had to and made stops. More of that bend-but-not-break defense. Not to mention how physical our DB’s are. Yikes. (ejection of Jaron Johnson was a bit much, it was a shoulder hit, but whatever).

Kellen Moore. Where to start. That kid is awesome. Ice water in his veins. I love that Coach Pete had the confidence in him to let him air it out against Oregon’s vaunted pass defense. Almost as impressive was the pass blocking of the offensive line. Moore had all the time he needed to find the open receivers and he always seemed to make the right call. Unbelievable.

Continue reading “To Oregon – Aftermath”

To Oregon – Holy Shit! We Won!

Wow… what a game. I can’t adequately get down my thoughts at the moment (we just now arrived back at our friend’s house in McMinnville).

It is the gods honest truth that the whole second half felt VERY MUCH like the Fiesta Bowl for me. Build up a big lead, when half way through the thrid quarter the opponet comes roaring back. Luckily this time we did not have to have such fireworks to pull it out.

But we won. I loved every second of it. I am SO glad made the trip.

More to come.

Way to go Broncos!

To Oregon – Halftime

I would have never predicted 24 to 6 at half. I fully admitted I was nervous for this game

I am seriously having an amazing time so far today.I do wish I had a few fellow brocos near by to celebrate with but I’m more content to just grin to myself. However, I do have a dozen or so friends texting and emailing me constantly. My phone is buzzing every 20 seconds.

One half to go.

I would be lying if I didn’t have the next 3 years in mind while watching Kellen Moore. That guy is un-freaking-real. Not to mention we might have something special this very year!

Keep it up Broncos!

Editors note, my phone connection was up and down during the game and I was unable to get this posted. Better late than never.

To Oregon – In The Stadium

In the stadium. Can’t wait for kickoff.

This place is impressive even only 8% full. We are pretty early and will get to watch warmups. This is awesome. I’m all geeked up!

One hour to kickoff!

Go Broncos!

To Oregon – Arrival

We made it. Jess and I are in McMinnille safe and sound. Jess’ friends the Ponds have invited us into their home for the weekend and to be part of their pregame festivities.

It us but a mere 8 hours until we hit the road to begin the tailgate. I can’t wait for the game tomorrow!

Keep watching this space for further updates.

Go Broncos!

To Oregon – Departure

Here we are. Mobile blogging from the airport as we wait for our flight to Portland.

I’m excited. I’m nervous. I’m hoping for a win but preparing for a loss. What I don’t want is a repeat of the UW debacle last year.

We are staying with a sorority sister of Jess’ who married a HUGE Oregon fan and alumnus. We are planning on tailgating all day tomorrow which is about my favorite thing to do in the world. I am jacked to see what Autzen Stadium is all about.

Win or lose this will be yet another life experience to soak in.

But it will be better with a win.

Go Broncos!