Poinsettia Bowl – Ugh.

So, the game is over. We lost. I’m not happy about it.

I’m struggling to come up with positives from this game… Since it is Christmas and I’m depressed. If I don’t get in the spirit a bit more Jess will kick my ass.

The Positives:

  1. The cliche’ “it’s something to build on”. This seems to be a team of hyper competitive guys and a loss will only help propel them through the winter conditioning and spring practices.
  2. It was supposed to be a rebuilding year. 12-1 is a heckuva rebuild.
  3. We are very young. That only bodes well for the future, right?
  4. Moore is not Zabransky despite doing his best Z impression at the end of the game. However, I am pretty sick of ending bowl games with an interception. We know he will watch that tape about 567 times before next season.
  5. Despite the loss, we will most likely start next season ranked.
  6. I didn’t purchase any of that dumbass “Perfect Season” merch the BSU bookstore was hawking for the past month.
  7. My DVR is not going to be clogged with 4 hours of HD football programming that I can’t delete. I deleted the recording about .002 seconds after the game ended.

As a postscript, I have to say something about watching the game last night. That #$&*$% “Interactive Tuesday” crawl at the top of the screen filled me with a searing white-hot hate that has yet to be extinguished. Hey ESPN, there is a reason I choose not to visit friggin message boards. The rage I feel reading what “fans” have to say (even the pro-Boise State ones) make me homicidal. For the safety of myself, and everyone around me, I do not frequent message boards. Nor do I frequent any place where the unwashed masses discuss college football (IdahoStatesman.com comment sections, I’m looking at you…). Now you’re going to force that same infuriating crap down my throat DURING the game? There is a special ring of hell reserved for the programing nerd who thought that one up.

In case you’re not aware of what I’m talking about, there was a bar across the screen, above the score that ESPN invited fans to submit comments online which would then scroll across the screen. Basically what we ended up with was 3 and a half hours of pithy comments like, “Boise sux. TCU is gonna roll!” or “Boize wont never get a BCS game until they toughen there schedule!!”. URGE TO KILL RISING……

Ok, that’s enough.

Merry Christmas everyone!

PS. When I’m off next week, keep your eyes on the blog as I’m thinking I’m going to make some sweeping upgrades to the blog. I’m unsure what exactly I will do, but it will be something new. That’s exciting, huh?

3 Replies to “Poinsettia Bowl – Ugh.”

  1. It was a good game Jason. Regardless of the outcome, at least it wasn’t the Roady’s bowl. BSU played well, not great, but well. That’s just my humble opinion. 🙂 Merry Christmas and all that jazz to you and yours!

  2. I agree on the comments, what a giant pain in the ass. I tried to ignor them, but it was hard at times to do.

    The game was good, missed opportunities, not just one but many. 4 tries to score at the end all ended in failure. Now that was bad.

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