The WAC Hates Fresno State?

Really? I don’t buy it… is detailing out the “hate” in college football and broke it down conference by conference. Apparently, the WAC hates Fresno State.

Come again?

I don’t buy that for a second. Specifically for this reason. Don’t you have to actually win at least one conference title to be hated? Seriously. I mean, nobody hates Utah State (except maybe Utah State fans). Yeah, Fresno goes out and plays and sometimes beats the big boys. That’s all well and good, but then they get back into conference play and fold like a lawn chair. They have not won a WAC title since 1999 (2 years prior to Boise State coming into the WAC). How can anyone hate Fresno, other than their being generally obnoxious and unlikeable people (which has nothing to do with football)?

I don’t even hate Fresno’s coach Pat Hill. He seems like a nice enough guy.  Good coach. If I had to pick a coach I hate, that mantle is easily locked up by Hal Mumme. I really hate that guy. But again, New Mexico State isn’t near good enough to generate enough hate overall to even rank on the scale.

Not that I want to be hated, but I think the only choice for the “most hated in the WAC” title can only be Boise State. You’re telling me that a team with a 46-2 conference record since 2002 and 5 straight titles in that span isn’t the most hated? Really? Do you other teams enjoy the ass kickings or what? We could spend 20 minutes listing out the records and accomplishments of the Broncos without pause here. Not to mention the whole Fiesta Bowl thing, which most schools in the WAC could only DREAM about.

Tell me that nearly every team in the WAC hates Fresno more than Boise State and I’ll call you a liar.

3 Replies to “The WAC Hates Fresno State?”

  1. When someone mentions “hate” with regards to NCAA football, Fresno is pretty damn near far from my mind.

    Texas, Ohio State, Florida State, Nebraska… now these are teams that when someone says “hate” you know they are saying it with a capital H.

    I disagree that only conference champs can be hated, but it doesn’t hurt your chances either. And you gotta admit that BSU is really kinda vanilla when it comes to the hate generated by its fans. (With the exception of BSU vs UI games…)

    In the article, it talks about not just the team, but also it’s fans. Altercations in the stands and what not. BSU fans just don’t have it in them to bust out in a Donnybrook. BSU folks are too civil, not like a Texas vs Texas A&M or Florida vs Florida State game where fans lose their ever loving minds.

  2. If there has to be a team that we hate in the W.A.C. the obvious choice is Idaho. Since that rivalry has gone down hill, I would say the team disliked the most would be Nevada, Fresno or Hawaii. Fresno since they are constantly in the hunt for the W.A.C. but Nevada and Hawaii don’t have the same consistency ( being at the top of the league). I would embrace the Fresno Boise rivalry more than Nevada or Hawaii, but Idaho always has a special hate-filled place in my psyche. Anyone who lived through the “streak” would understand.
    Now, that being said, the overall HATE factor might as well be Fresno and their mustache since no one cares about the Lil Generral ( Ault ) and The Snot Rag Mumme ( NMSU). Hawaii has the aloha flowing and the rest of the teams usually do not matter. I would have to say BSU would be up there just as much as Fresno when it comes to hate due to the consistency of winning ( not since our fans are jerks or anything, at least I have never seen anything that was rude or crass. )

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