News Flash… We Did It.

Many of you have already heard.  If you haven’t consider this your notice.

I proposed to Jess… She accepted.

We’re very excited!  I did it before our little holiday shindig we hosted on Saturday.  I had just gotten the ring on Friday, and frankly didn’t feel much like waiting around any more.  So, while we relaxed a bit before people started arriving, I just did it.

The rest, as they say, is history.

Before you start asking questions, let me just say, we have no details as of yet.  We don’t know when, we don’t know where.  Just know that it will happen eventually.  Jess is already switching into full planning mode and couldn’t be happier.

Love you, Jess.

13 Replies to “News Flash… We Did It.”

  1. Congrats, my man.

    You two are going to go far, I can just tell. I cannot begin to express my happiness at the upcoming nuptials.

    And I like the idea of Winkleman. Or Jason Winkle. Hmm… You taking her name… I dunno…

    Congrats again. I just get this feeling that you two were meant for one another. (Sappy, I know, but true nonetheless.)


  2. Jason & Jess I am so happy for you! I have only known Jason via online communication for the lst 7 years or so, but I feel like I am a part of the “group”, and was so upset for him after the ‘G’ incident. I was so glad to read that he popped the question & I wish you both the happiness that you deserve!

  3. Way to go Jason, and congrats to both of you. I agree you two were meant to be together. I can’t wait to see that pretty rock up close.

  4. Yep, damn fine match. 🙂 Adrian and I are both really happy for you guys. Can’t wait! I like Haberinkle…. has a nice ring to it.

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