Snowshoeing In McCall

This previous weekend, Jess and I got out of town for a couple days in our annual “post holiday decompress” trip. We usually try to get away for a weekend sometime after the first of the year just to come down a bit and recharge. This year was a little later than normal, but we still made it.

We stayed at the ‘everything old is new again’ Shore Lodge. Fresh off their failed “Whitetail” experiment, they are back to their roots. I’d never set foot in the building, but I gotta say that place is really nice. We had the authentic “McCall experience” in that we stayed at Shore Lodge, ate at Lardo’s, The Pancake House and The Mill. We also bought a 6-pack of beer at Paul’s.

Probably the most fun thing we did the whole weekend was snowshoeing. We borrowed some friend’s gear and tooled around the shore of Little Payette Lake. I’d never been snowshoeing before. Many years ago I did a little cross country skiing and snowshoeing is kinda like that. We had so much fun, we may be in the market for our own snowshoes.

We also had perfect weather. The sun was shining and the temps were in the upper 30’s. It was so nice we were able to shed our coats and de-layer a bit. Absolutely gorgeous.

Of course, I loved being out there with the new camera and playing around taking pics. Here are my favorites. Click on them to go to Flickr. Or you can view the slideshow.

Aspen Shadow

Winter Forrest

Winter Aspens

Winter Aspens

Snowshoeing Past Aspens

Aspen Matrix

Winter Garden Aglow Pictures

Last night some friends and we went to the Winter Garden Aglow at the Idaho Botanical Garden.  It was nice to see all the lights.  Apparently, they start putting them up around September.  This was the first time we were able to get there when there was snow on the ground, which made it all the better.

I used our new Canon XSi DSLR which I’m still learning how to use.  Also, I didn’t have any sort of tripod with me, so many of the shots turned out a touch blurry on the slow shutter speed.

To view all the photos, go here.  Or click on each one to view larger.

Christmas Lights

Arch Lights

Jess in Lights

Welcome Fire

Christmas Lights

Friends in Fire

Christmas Light

Photos of Lambeau

LambeauSorry for the delay folks. As many of you already know, I’ve been a bit under the weather since my return last Monday… Ok, that could be a tad understated. Actually, I’ve been sicker than hell. Sicker than I have been in a LONG time. I am 100% certain it has to do with the 5 different flights in 3 days that made me sick. Friggin airplanes… Flying Hot Zones if you ask me.

Anyway, I was totally healthy for the trip, which was the good thing. George and I had a great time. Although he was already sick, which put a slight damper on our late night carousing. The experience however was worth it. As always, click on the photos for bigger versions and you can view all my pictures here: Lambeau Pilgrimage

Saturday we flew out bright and early from Boise to Minneapolis. There, we caught the flight to Milwaukee. Picked up the rental car and were on our way.

This being my first time in Milwaukee, I was struck by one thing. Granted, I could only see what I could from the freeway, but all I saw were the following… Churches (there were spires EVERYWHERE), smokestacks, row houses and neighborhood bars. Very interesting. Especially to a guy who has spent his whole life in the west, where everything is new.

Continue reading “Photos of Lambeau”

Boise State vs Utah State 11-08-08

There really isn’t much to say about this game.  We killed them.  It wasn’t close.  Although, when we knocked another quarterback out of the game, the defense had a bit of a problem adjusting.  Especially since it was a running QB to passing QB transition.  But no matter.  We still won by 35.

I did, however, get some more great shots with the new camera.  Enjoy!  View all of the images here, or view a few select ones below.  Click on each one to go to the flickr page.

George Iloka Interception

Kellen Moore Touchdown Pass

Reflections on Tailgating

Ian Johnson Touchdown

Utah State Fumble

Coin Flip

Moore to Pettis - Touchdown

Honeymoon Pictures

Self Portrait - In our RoomHowdy folks.

Just wanted to let y’all know that I’ve finally gotten pictures of the honeymoon to Maui posted to the web, including the crappy waterproof camera pictures taken whilst snorkeling. Most have at least a descriptive title so you can know what you’re looking at.

Honeymoon in Maui via


Yes, I am planning on detailing out our Maui adventure at some point… I just haven’t gotten to it yet. I will soon, however!

Speaking of Flickr, I believe there are still some of you who have not uploaded your wedding photos to the flickr account. We REALLY would like you to share them. Please contact me if you need assistance.

Seasons of Boise – Panoramas

Well, with the recent end of summer, I have completed my one year view of the Boise skyline and its reflection in the seasons.  For your viewing pleasure, may I present the following.

Fall – October
Fall Panorama - Boise

Winter – January

Winter Panorama - Boise

Spring – March

Spring Panorama - Boise

Summer – August

Summer Panorama - Boise

If you click on each image above, you can go to the page and view the larger image (just click on “All Sizes” button above the picture).

I think I might try to get some of these printed, matted and framed all nice into a single piece and perhaps try to sell one or two.  Jess and I have already promised the first two to our parents as thank-yous for the whole wedding thing and everything they’ve done.  The cool thing, is that I can print these anywhere up to 32 inches wide.  I’ll have to see how they look.

Hope you enjoy.  If you love Boise as much as I do and are interested in printed copies of these images, please contact me.  Maybe we can work something out.


Photo Sharing

Welcome to my first real “mobile” blog post. I’m currently waiting for a hair cut and the lady is running behind. Time to blog!

Anyways, remember when I said this weekend would be serene? Yeah, forget that. I’ve spent all day working on wedding stuff. Programs were first up. So, I spent a bunch of time choosing fonts and I’m still not happy with what I’ve come up with. So more to come there.

I did get one thing accomplished though. Jess had the idea to set up a account and invite guests to upload their pics they take of the big day. Great way to share all the photos I thought. Consider this your notice to bring your cameras and take lots of snaps. User name and password will be available at the reception (on some sweet little cards I did today) or by emailing me. You won’t need that info to browse tho. Should be fun.

I will also upload the pics of the combined bachelor/ette party that we had that I never wrote about.

Oops! Cut time!


Here is the link to the party photos I mentioned… if I get time, I’ll write a little more about it.

By the way, if you have photos of Jess and I you would like to add to that account ( email me for the credentials and I’ll get them to you.

Seasons of Boise – Spring

Spring Panorama - Boise In the midst of everything, last week I was able to take some pictures to continue my year long series of the Seasons of Boise panoramas.  I really wanted to get trees just beginning to be green while still having some snow on the mountains.  I was also hoping for a slight tinge of green on the foothills as well.  I was also hoping that there would be some flowering trees in the park, but it doesn’t appear to be any.

Spring has sprung, and thus, #3 in my series.  View the whole series here:

Can’t wait to get the summer shot and complete the thing.  Gonna look way cool on the wall.

Who knows, maybe I can make a buck or two off of these…