Pittsburgh Panoramas

We made it home from our week long adventure back east, visiting family in Pittsburgh. I haven’t processed all 495 pictures I took, but I thought I would post a couple images to give you a taste of what we saw.

Heinz Field Panorama – Taken from our seats in the absolute last row of the top deck in Heinz Field for the Steelers vs Browns game on Sunday, October 18th. We had a blast at that game. Plus, it was the first time we had seen the sun since we got there, so that was a welcome sight. Note: you HAVE to click on the image to go to the biggest version for the full effect. Seriously, just do it.

Heinz Field Panorama

The other panorama I took was the result of a wrong turn. See, we went up to Mt. Washington the day we got there, but it was cloudy and rainy. On Monday, Jess and I were out and about using Rachel’s car (which she graciously allowed us to drive) and we explored some. Anyway, we were heading back to their house, but I was in the wrong lane. I had to turn off instead of going through the tunnel and there was no place to turn around. Well, the GPS told us to keep going, so we did. We ended back up on Mt. Washington, only this time it was absolutely gorgeous! We parked the car to take a few more photos and came up with this one. I’m SO glad I wasn’t in the right lane! Again, click on the pic to go to Flickr to view it bigger.

“Dawn-Tawn” Pittsburgh, PA.

Pittsburgh Panorama

If anyone is interested (especially you family back there) I have MUCH larger versions of these, if you would like.

There will be more to come.