Images of Boise State vs Miami of Ohio

Game 2 of the Boise State season is in the books and it appears we have a “for real” defense this year. Very exciting! If the offense can clean up some mistakes (if you can call only scoring 48 points a mistake) then we’ll really be in business.

Any way here are a selection of photos I took at that game. As always, click each one to go to the Flickr page to view them larger if you so desire.


Sunset over Bronco Stadium

Horse Entrance

Broncos Enter

Titus Young Enters

Remember that defense I was talking about? Well notice if you will in this picture that there are 4 Miami offensive linemen blocking NOBODY. I’m fairly certain that wasn’t how Miami drew that particular play up…
Another Run Stuffed

QB Pressure

I’m including this one… I know it violates some photography rules, but dammit, that is an outstanding, unmolested gradient fade. Orange to blue. Personally, I like this photo.
Perfect Boise State Sunset - Nature's gradient fade

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