
Well gang, I finally heard back from Wirestone. They want to bring me in for an interview tomorrow (Thursday) morning at 9:00am.

A little background, I saw this ad posted to Craigslist and my eyes almost popped out of my head. It was something I’m qualified to do with the company I would like to work for. Perfect combination, eh?

So, I submitted my resume’ and cover letter. I had been in touch with them a few times, but finally heard back yesterday that the hiring manager wanted to meet me.

Anyway, if you got the time, send a few good vibes my way tomorrow, say 9ish.

Wish me luck.

6 Replies to “Interview”

  1. Well, you’re there right now….I’m sure I’m not the only one sitting on pins and needles waiting to find out….

    Here’s hoping for the very best!!!!

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