Have I mentioned lately that the Statesman sucks?

Well, they still do.

The latest abomination was foisted upon the unsuspecting public this previous weekend.  They shipped out with Sunday’s paper an insert… Their college football preview piece.  Needless to say, this city is pretty jacked up about the rapidly approaching Boise State game vs the vaunted Ducks of Oregon down on the Blue.  Obviously, there has been a lot of hype for this game during this past 8 months.  Appropriately, they titled their guide “Hype”.

Now, I’m not critiqueing their content.  It was good enough apart from some exceptionally lame “overrated” pieces on each page, (really?  Bashing Twitter is not fresh) but I digress.  No, I have a problem… wait, check that… I have NUMEROUS problems with the image they created for their cover.

For the record, I am NOT a designer.  I think I have a marginal eye for design, but the designers I work with make me realize I have exactly ZERO skill compared to them.  Wirestone has some of the best designers I have ever seen in their employ.  Obviously, the Statesman does not.

Warning, the following image is so horrible, it could scar you for life.

Continue reading “Have I mentioned lately that the Statesman sucks?”

Tech Support Secret – Revealed

This comic has been floating around the net lately. It is totally funny and remarkably accurate.

I really love this.

XKCD.com bills itself as “A webcomic of romance,sarcasm, math, and language.” I’d add a healthy dose of technology, web, pop culture, and about a dozen other things. A total geek favorite. If you click on the above comic, you can visit the site.

So, there you go. If you can follow a flow chart, you to can be a computer expert. And if you need help following a flow chart, here is a guide to understanding flow charts, in flow chart form…


Views of the Twilight Criterium 2009

So, it’s taken me a little while to finally get the images posted that I took while enjoying the Twilight Criterium on July 18th. I didn’t bring the “big” camera with me, so I only had the point & shoot. That being said, I think I got a few really good shots.

We had dinner prior at Bar Gernika, which remarkably was my first time eating there.  Good stuff.  We then wandered over to the course and promptly found the beer garden.  It was hotter than hell that night and we needed liquid refreshment.  All in all, we had a really fun evening.

You long time readers may remember the last time I took a camera to the Criterium.   This time was much the same.

To view all of my images, go to this Flickr page.  Other wise, you can click on each image to go to flickr as well.

My favorite shot:
Twilight Criterium 09 - Downtown Boise

See… “twilight”
Twilight Criterium 09 - Downtown Boise

Twilight Criterium 09 - Downtown Boise

Really like this one too.
Twilight Criterium 09 - Downtown Boise

“Negative GhostRider… the pattern is full…”
Twilight Criterium 09 - Downtown Boise

Neighborhood Hawk

Living out where we do, we see a lot of hawks flying around, hunting varmints, doing their thing.

However, not usually this close.

I walked outside to put the dog out (luckily, Murphy isn’t really ‘snack size’ anymore) yesterday evening only to have this coopers hawk fly not 10 feet over my head.  He circled around and perched himself on the neighbor’s house.  He stayed there long enough for me to grab the camera and snag a few pics.  It was tough lighting conditions, but I was able to manage a couple shots. These photos don’t do justice to just how large this bird was. Incredible.


Coopers Hawk

Coopers Hawk

Coopers Hawk