Oregon Coast Pictures

Blogging has been sparse lately. I’m through apologizing for it. Instead, you should just subscribe to the RSS feed so you can be updated when I finally do post something new. Like this!

Behold… my favorite images from our trip to Oregon last weekend.

Please go to Flickr to enjoy the whole set, or you can click on any of these images below to view it bigger. Most of them look MUCH better when viewed larger, so I highly recommend doing that.

Without further ado…


Sunset Reflection


Yachats River Delta

Jess and the Ocean

Yachats, OR

Marcus on the Sand

Marcus on the Sand

Evening Ocean

Some background info… for spring break, Jess and I joined my sisters and their families in a house on the coast for 3 days. We found a great place in Yachats (30 min south of Newport) with a good view, beach access and a hot tub. It was fun.

We explored the area, ate sea food, enjoyed the rain, and relaxed in the hot tub.  And, I got some good photographs out of it.

We have another big week this week… mainly tomorrow, Wednesday the 1st. But that is another post!