Honeymoon Pictures

Self Portrait - In our RoomHowdy folks.

Just wanted to let y’all know that I’ve finally gotten pictures of the honeymoon to Maui posted to the web, including the crappy waterproof camera pictures taken whilst snorkeling. Most have at least a descriptive title so you can know what you’re looking at.

Honeymoon in Maui via Flickr.com


Yes, I am planning on detailing out our Maui adventure at some point… I just haven’t gotten to it yet. I will soon, however!

Speaking of Flickr, I believe there are still some of you who have not uploaded your wedding photos to the flickr account. We REALLY would like you to share them. Please contact me if you need assistance.

2 Replies to “Honeymoon Pictures”

  1. Ohh friends and family please up load your pictures to flickr…I want to see them all! Especially since our professional picture won’t be done for another TWO MONTHS!!! Uggh! 🙁

    And please pay no attention to the big blob snorkeling in a bikini top…seriously why are those on the web! Yikes…cover yer eyes!

  2. Thanks for the photos! I don’t think I’ve really even heard much about your honeymoon so it’s nice to at least be able to see it!

    Thinking maybe Adrian and I should head there for my graduation celebration in 21 more months!

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