I’m Goin Back To Cali

Santa Cruz SunsetQueue up the LL Cool J, because I am, indeed, goin back to Cali.

Specifically, Santa Cruz California. Jess is turning the big 3-0 next week and she wanted to spend a week down in her favorite place to celebrate. So, thats what we’re doing. She rented a beach house on a cliff overlooking the big blue Pacific for the whole week. Gonna be VERY nice.

I have been to the bay area a few times in the past few years, but we only went to Oakland. (That’s where the ex-laws were from) We never actually made it over to the nice part of the bay. I haven’t been to the San Fran/Carmel/Monterey area for 18 years. Not since the infamous spring break family trip all those years ago. I’ll have to write about that soon.

Anyway, we’ve got some plans. Monterey aquarium. Spend a day in the city and hit Alcatraz (I’ve never been) and various other sights. We’re gonna do a little sea kayaking off of Pebble Beach. And we’re gonna do a lot of relaxing. I haven’t been on a proper, relaxation-inducing vacation in a long time. Most of the time I travel, it’s to do things (go to Boise State games, for example). This time, the main goal is to just chill out mostly. Vodka-tonic-as-the-sun-goes-down kind of chillin. And let me tell you, I cannot wait.

Even better, we’ll have the laptop with us, so providing I can find internet access, I’ll be able to blog and post pictures from down there. Check back for updates.

See you upon my return, all relaxed and loose, one week from tomorrow!